Tuition and Fees
The Academic school year is held from September to May. The Summer School session is held from June to August. Tuition and fees associated with the Diploma, Degree and Master Programs are listed below:
Diploma Degree/Master
Registration Fee (Non-refundable) $50.00 $50.00
Cost per credit hour (Most classes are 3 credit hours) N/A $50.00
Cost per class $65.00 $150.00
Total Cost per Semester $225.00 $750.00
Late Registration Fee $25.00 $25.00
Students are responsible for the purchase of their textbooks.
It is advised that each student remain current in regards to their tuition. No student will be permitted to take Mid-Term or Final Examination unless their tuition account is current. Students may pay full tuition immediately or utilize our convenient Installment Payment Plan (see charts below). All checks or money orders should be made payable to: Washington Baptist Theological Seminary.
Installment payments for the Degree Program
Number of Classes Total Tuition Installment Payment
One Class $150.00 $50.00
Two Classes $300.00 $100.00
Three Classes $450.00 $150.00
Four Classes $600.00 $200.00
Five Classes $750.00 $250.00
Installment payments for the Diploma Program
Number of Classes Total Tuition Installment Payment
One Class $65.00 $22.00
Two Classes $130.00 $44.00
Three Classes $195.00 $65.00
Four – Eight Classes $225.00 $75.00